It’s time for change

August 24, 2021 admin

Almost five years after the official opening of The Physio Clinic, we felt it was time for change.

We have been extremely lucky and feel incredibly grateful for all the support we have received since we have opened. Our primary focus has always been the ability to provide highly professional expert advice focused on quick and long lasting results. To prove that private and healthcare can coexist within a successful business. We are delighted to now say for sure, “it absolutely can”. Year on year has gotten busier and busier, patients now attend from further afield including Armagh, Carrick, Strabane, Ballymena, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and England, solely based on word-of-mouth. We no longer advertise and have not done so in the last two years. We depend solely on word-of-mouth as the message spreads further and further about the service we provide.

We have now decided to re-brand the business. Our website has been completely redeveloped to make it easier for patients to understand the focus of the business and clearly see our objectives and level of expertise. It has been updated to include the ongoing changes due to COVID and reflect a change in how people interact. It is much more user friendly and will make it easier for patients to navigate and find the information they need. Our logo is changing and will be gradually phased in throughout The Clinic over the next three months. News/videos and information will regularly be posted on the website so it will now become a source of information and advice for patients who require self help or reminders of the principles of managing their condition.

Our original objectives were two-fold when we began five years ago. As mentioned, we have attained our first goal of fast, long lasting results in a private setting, focusing on long-term recovery. Our second objective is to significantly change how spinal pain is dealt with across all professions and to aid in the education of health professionals and patients alike to simple information that is factual in relation to their pain. By doing this, we hope to reduce significantly across the board, levels of chronic pain and encourage self-management within our wider communities. Our Back Pain Seminars will start again in November 2021 and all information will be posted on our brand new website.

We at the Physio Clinic would like to again take this opportunity to thank all those who have offered all their support over the last five years. We’re early into our journey but have big plans and will keep you updated along the way. 

Thank you
